Background Concepts


The first concept we want to introduce is the concept of Layer . By the word layer we mean a place which we are able to put things in . We could imagine it like a Set which is capable of accepting new elements.

How we define things?

We define Subjects by their Attributes. It means in order to define anything we pay attention to its attributes or properties. In general, all the things around us have two kind of attributes : Primary Attributes and Secondary Attributes .
The primary attributes are those attributed that define the essence of things.
The secondary attributes are those that does not define the essence of the things. They may or may not belong to an object, without affecting its essence.


We have different theories of what space is.
Gottfried Leibniz theory : Space is that which results from places taken together.He assumed that space is not an entity that independently exists.
Isaac Newton theory : Space is more than relations between material objects.He used the example of water in a spinning bucket to demonstrate his argument.
Bucket argument was considered decisive in showing that space must exist independently of matter.

Here in our discussion we assume space as a layer which other layers lay over it.


If we want to define matter by its properties we have a lot of definitions for matter because Materials exhibits a lot of properties.
Overall, we could agree that there is no agreement in a general definition of matter.

In our context to define matter we use this definition: The word matter refers to everything in the universe that has mass and takes up space by having Volume.