The new chaotic pendulum

  1. Getting deeper
  2. Nondimensionalization
  3. Poincaré section
  4. Fixpoints
  5. Stability study
  6. Animations

A more detailed study of the chaotic pendulum
Poincaré section

To characterise our system's behaviour, we will need to use a Poincaré section [ref1] [ref2]. The Poincaré sections are subspaces that are reccurently and transversally crossed by the system.
In our case, the chosen Poincaré is a part of the $yOz$ plan which, when passed through by the mass, will read the values of $\theta$ and $\dot{\theta}$.
After having taken a significant amount of points, we may trace our Poincaré section's graph. This graph may be :


Here are some examples of Poincaré sections :

Exemple de section #1Exemple de section #2
Quasiperiodic system
Image LASIN, uni-lj $[1]$
Chaotic system
Image N. De Leon

poincaré sphériqueSection sphérique 2
spherical pendulum $(\alpha=0)$
spherical pendulum

We can see here that our spherical pendulum is quasi-periodic.

section chaotique #1section chaotique #2
chaotic pendulum
chaotic pendulum